
This park would not be possible without your charitable contributions and support!

You’re the best!


  • Christine Brady
  • Cooper
  • Brian Donnelly
  • Alison Friedland (for Idgie and Zak)
  • Joan Greco (for Boo Boo)
  • Pamela Halling
  • Jake Holmes
  • Monika Kaminski
  • Philip Lawry (for Josephine)
  • Liz Scozzafava
  • Lorene Lenge
  • Lenny Lottig
  • Julia McCormick (for all the tennis balls Hilts has lost in the mud!)
  • Jeff McHugh
  • Lauren Mercincavage
  • Lauren Wackell
  • Gina Wiseman

Spring-Fall 2019: our native garden mitigates flooding and erosion in the park while supporting wildlife! Donations were made by four New York nurseries: thank you!

A big shout out to all our donors from the neighborhood (and a little beyond)!

Local Businesses

You make our park challenging and fun!