Breaking ground!

Wow, what a major milestone! As we have less than $3,400 left to go, we’ve reach the target goal for breaking ground.

Here’s the the latest news.

  • Over next several weeks activity will begin to occur at our new location.
  • During this phase we will continue to raise our remaining funds and we ask everyone who hasn’t yet contributed to do so today.
  • Our list of supporters continues to grow – we thank you all!
  • We’ve added a new donation tier called “Kindhearted Dog Lover” and you can choose whatever amount you are comfortable with – we thank you in advance.
  • BRICKS! – we are offering bricks which can be inscribed with a name, message, and/or dog motifs. They are available for a $200 contribution, if you have already donated in the past, we will absolutely lump you previous donation upwards -visit our bricks page for more details.
  • We have two fundraisers coming up in November
  • Sunday Nov 4th – Pancake Breakfast at St. Rooco Society from 9am till 12pm
  • Saturday Nov. 17th – Concert width Solaris Voices at the Howland Cultural Center at 6:30pm (tickets available online)
  • There is still a lot to get done before we can open and we ask everyone to be patient as we coordinate everything that needs to occur – please remember this is an all volunteer team who have been working hard for the past two years :>